Cultural offerings | Museum

Angelika Kauffmann Museum, Schwarzenberg

Angelika Kauffmann Museum
  • Unseen from the outside, the 450-year-old so-called Kleber House contains a modern exhibition room in its former farm building. Here annually changing thematic exhibitions are staged, with original works by the famous painter Angelika Kauffmann (1741-1807). This museum wing, planned by the architectural offices of Dietrich-Untertrifaller, was inaugurated on the 200th anniversary of her death, in 2007. In the spirit of the New Vorarlberg School of Architecture traditional and modern wood architecture have been harmonically combined, making the museum a mecca for all those

    Interested in architecture.


    The Local Heritage Museum, founded in 1913, is devoted to rural farming life in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Since 1928 it has also been located in the Kleber House. On the ground level there is a veranda (Schopf), kitchen, living rooms and (master) bedroom, including exhibits of traditional costumes and earthenware. On the next floor are the children’s bedrooms, with a presentation of dairy utensils and religious craftworks; on the top floor old weapons, music instruments, tableware and forged-iron grave crosses are displayed.


    11. März bis 17. April 2022

    Freitag – Sonntag 14 – 17 Uhr

    1. Mai bis 30. Oktober 2022

    Dienstag – Sonntag 10 – 17 Uhr

    Privatführungen können Sie im Tourismusbüro unter T +43 5512 3570 buchen.

    Führungen für Gruppen sind auf Anfrage jederzeit möglich


    Von  Mai bis Oktober  finden jährlich wechselnde Ausstellungen statt.

    Aktuelle Preisinformationen finden Sie auf der Homepage des Angelika Kauffmann Museums.

    Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung - Kultur

    Präsentiert von: Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung - Kultur, Autor: Barbara Neyer
    letzte Änderung: 28.03.2022