This monolithic structure made of exposed concrete is an imposing addition to the landscape. The design dates back to a 2002 architecture competition won by Oskar Leo Kaufmann, who drafted a building dedicated to regional mountain cheese that would represent the heart of the “KäseStrasse” cheese route. As part of Kaufmann’s playful concept, the concrete facade was drilled with holes to lend it the appearance of a large cheese. Inside the building, a glass panel overlooking the production room provides a transparent look at the ripening process.
The foyer also contains a sales room stocking regional delicacies.
Architecture: Oskar Leo Kaufmann, 2003
ÖffnungszeitenOutlet selling regional specialities in the foyer.
Opening hours Foyer/Shop:
Summer opening hours (1.4.- 31.10.) Monday – Friday 10.00-18:00, Saturday 9:00 – 17:00
Winter opening hours (1.11.-31.3.) Tuesday – Friday 10:00-17:00, Saturday 10:00-16:00
Take a Look Inside the Cheese Cellar and taste our cheese specialties.
Requests for visits: KäseStrasse Bregenzerwald GmbH, Tel. Office: +43 5513 4287041, Foyer/Shopt: +43 5513 4287043,,
Autor: vai Vorarlberger Architektur Institut
letzte Änderung: 13.07.2021Anfahrt: