Architecture | Cultural offerings

BUS:STOP Krumbach – Oberkrumbach bus stop

BUS:STOP Krumbach, Haltestelle Oberkrumbach


Ort: 6942 Krumbach
  • Alexander Brodsky chose a challenging location for his BUS:STOP – a small area on the border of a property featuring a neat detached house. Responding positively to these self-imposed spatial restrictions, he erected a radically concise yet precisely constructed wooden tower. Almost archaic in its striking simplicity, this tower is open in all directions and glazed on three sides. The small vacant window openings expose the first floor to natural influences such as the wind and birds. Brodsky has even installed a table and bench to ensure that passengers can wait in comfort if the bus is late.


    Architecture: Alexander Brodsky, Russland; Hugo Dworzak, 2014

    Autor: Dietmar Steiner, BUS:STOP Krumbach,
    letzte Änderung: 10.06.2021