Architecture | Cultural offerings

Driving Range Golfclub Montfort Rankweil

Golfclub Montfort, Rankweil - Clubhaus
  • During the process of converting what had originally been even terrain into a golf course, the driving range was integrated into the landscape. Seen from the north, this single-storey steel and concrete structure seems embedded in the earth and opens out onto the driving range towards the south. Its recessed facade made from translucent polycarbonate panels adds a lightness to the changing facilities and toilets behind. The green roof serves as a viewing platform that looks out over the site.


    Architecture: Gohm Hiessberger Architekten, 2010


    Management and club secretariat opening times:

    Monday to Sunday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If the weather is bad, the secretariat is closed sooner or completely.

    Cafe/Restaurant in the club house:

    season and opening hours weather-dependent from approx. mid-March to mid-October.

    Autor: Claudine Pachnicke, vai Vorarlberger Architektur Institut
    letzte Änderung: 12.04.2021