Accommodations | Hotel

Hotel Gasthof Krone****

Hotel Gasthof Krone
  • The region’s culture of hospitality and innovative craftsmanship synergise to form a unique and holistic blend.

    The gap between the ideas of architect Johann Conrad Bechter and those of his contemporary Bernardo Bader is 170 years. The harmonious renovations of the guesthouse, which is located directly on the village square of Hittisau in Bregenzerwald, have added new life to this elegant establishment. Here respect for tradition and the innovative craftsmanship of the region, as executed by the craftsmen of Werkraum Bregenzerwald, are on full display in the rooms and guest parlours. The Krone is a property sure to delight guests with a keen interest in culture, who will appreciate the multi-award-winning architecture, the high culinary standards and the literary events hosted.

    For three generations now, Helene and Dietmar Nussbaumer-Natter have operated in accordance with the spirit of their forbearers with a touch of their own style. In the rooms of the Hittisau Krone, the regional craftsmanship is planned and executed to perfection. Here the flair and skill of Bregenzerwald is on full display.


    The building project itself has received numerous awards, including the 2009 Vorarlberger Holzbaupreis (Timber construction award), a distinction from the “Vorarlberg Building-Ower Award” in 2010, and the 2010 “Konstruktiv” prize, an Alps-wide architectural award for sustainable construction and renovation in the Alps.

    Architecture: Bernardo Bader Architekten, Dornbirn, Vorarlberg


    More information:

    Detailed information on the Hotel Gasthof Krone is available from the Nextroom architecture database (in German)

    Autor: Vorarlberg Tourismus
    letzte Änderung: 10.06.2021