The Montafon Mining Museum, open to the public since 1996, is located in the old schoolhouse, together with the administration offices of the town of Silbertal. This permanent museum exhibit emphasizes the mining activities of the Montafon region in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. Silver, copper and iron were important mining products in the Silbertal-Kristberg-Bartholomäberg area. This museum nicely complements the “Silver Trail” and the “Silver Theme Park” on the Kristberg mountain, as well as the historic mine on the Bartholomäberg mountain.
In the exhibit visitors of all ages can learn about the fascinating world of mining and the miners’ way of life in times past. At the center of the presentations is an exhibition gallery with a mine car and miner. Historic photos and documents, traditional tools and samples of ores from the mining region are also included. The social conditions of the miners, along with the legal peculiarities in the historical court of the mining judges, are described in detail. Added attractions include special temporary exhibitions on the history of the Silbertal, and the main themes presented in Montafon museums.
Führungen sind jederzeit möglich, Kontakt: Büro Museum Schruns, T +43 5556 74723,
Kontakt: Büro Museum Montafon, T +43 5556 74723, info@montafoner-museum.atPreiseAktuelle Preisinformationen finden Sie auf der Homepage der Montafoner Museen.
Präsentiert von: Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung - Kultur, Autor: Barbara Neyer
letzte Änderung: 28.03.2022Anfahrt: