Living Under Extreme Conditions
The Großes Walsertal is officially called a biosphere park, which also a sign of its high quality of life. Over the centuries the native population has been faced with a wide variety of survival problems. Even today the inhabitants are challenged by extreme geographical, economic and social conditions different from any of those found in other regions. The exhibits and topics in the self-guided tour through the Großes Walsertal Museum are devoted to these interesting fields of unresolved tension, from the early settlement of the valley up until the present times.
The impressive duplex house at the center of the village of Sonntag is a piece of history in its own right. Over the centuries the building served as a home, dairy, bakery and pub. Since 1981 it has been home to the museum which, together with the stables, belongs to the communities of the Großes Walsertal.
The Local Heritage Society is in charge of operating the museum, including its temporary exhibitions and educational programs.
Öffnungszeiten13.05. – 09.10.2022
Öffnungszeiten: Freitag 16:00 – 19:00 Uhr, Sonntag 14:00 – 17:00 Uhr, sowie nach Vereinbarung
Führungen für Gruppen sind zusätzlich nach Vereinbarung möglich, T +43 5554 5716
PreiseErwachsene: € 7,-, ermäßigt € 6,–
Ermäßigter Eintritt gilt für StudentInnen, SchülerInnen ab 15 Jahren, Auszubildende und Gruppen ab 10 Personen
Freier Eintritt für Kinder bis 15 Jahren in Begleitung der Eltern und für Mitglieder des Heimatpflegevereins.
Führungen: € 50,–Präsentiert von: Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung - Kultur, Autor: Barbara Neyer
letzte Änderung: 28.03.2022Anfahrt: