The Doll Museum in the community of Blons displays a collection of dolls and toys, whose oldest item originates from the year 1860. Opened in 1997, the museum is the first of its kind in Vorarlberg. The collections have grown continuously, thanks to contributions and gifts by private donors. Located in the middle of the Grosses Walsertal Biosphere Park, the museum invites visitors young and old to enter upon a journey through the many-faceted world of toys and dolls from times long past.
Dolls made of wood, paper maché, textiles, porcelain, celluloid and tin bring back childhood memories and illustrate the historical development of this very special cultural heritage. Little old shops, doll’s houses, doll’s kitchens, rocking horses, teddy bears, games, children’s books, children’s altars, Punch and Judy shows, along with many other special and precious items, bear valuable witness to earlier domestic culture and the history of toys.
ÖffnungszeitenÖffnungszeiten Mai bis September, Sonntag 14 Uhr – 16 Uhr oder nach Voranmeldung bei Marlies Jenny, T +43 699 11 35 01 62
Präsentiert von: Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung - Kultur, Autor: Barbara Neyer
letzte Änderung: 28.03.2022Anfahrt: