The Schattenburg is a hilltop castle above Feldkirch, the town to which it is connected by the former town wall. Count Hugo, the founder of Feldkirch, had the castle built around 1200. Until 1390, it served as the ancestral castle of the Counts of Montfort. Later, the Habsburgs administered the complex until it was bought by the town of Feldkirch in 1825 in a state of semi-abandonment. The ‘Heimatpflege und Museumsverein Feldkirch’ (an association for the protection of cultural heritage and museums founded in 1912), succeeded in reviving the castle. Since 1917, the Schattenburg has housed the Schattenburg Museum. With its 18 rooms, it’s a highly interesting experience for the entire family. This Feldkirch landmark is particularly worthwhile for castle lovers, as the complex has been preserved almost unchanged despite several expansions and is one of the best-preserved castle complexes from the High Middle Ages in Central Europe. The keep and some of the walls are still original from the 13th century. In addition to the Schattenburg Museum, there is an inn on the ground floor and a miniature golf course.
ÖffnungszeitenPräsentiert von: Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung - Kultur, Autor: Cornelia Mathis-Rothmund
letzte Änderung: 25.03.2022Anfahrt: