Although a busy main road runs through the centre of Lochau, the community has worked hard over a number of decades to foster an appealing and attractive image. Upon winning an urban planning competition in 1995, the firm Baumschlager Eberle proposed an arrangement of standalone new buildings that would form a coherent concept both among themselves and with the historic existing structures. This substantial overhaul also promised to furnish the streets and squares with a fresh new look.
The first building to be realised as part of this project was the new parish centre, a cube-shaped building located on a slope whose street-facing arcade underlines the new design concept. This facility includes a ground-floor shop and a first-floor parish hall, while the second floor is reserved for private use. The hall also features an adjustable glass wall overlooking the peaceful parsonage. The neighbouring “tower” housing a kindergarten and the nearby residential building round off this ensemble.
On the opposite side of the road, the former Lochau municipal office dating from the late 1930s was replaced by a new building in 2018. Incorporating municipal services, a doctor’s practice, a police station, a bank and offices, this compact structure is sited further away from the road in order to accommodate a public forecourt. The entrance area leading towards the square is open and transparent, contrasting with the precast concrete and ventilation windows that surround the remainder of the property. Terrazzo and wood ensure a bright and pleasant working environment in the interior. The public art installation crafted from mirror elements was produced by Gerold Tagwerker. Last but not least, the two-part village fountain made from anthracite-coloured granite by the architect Juri Troy used to stand in front of the old municipal office and was successfully integrated into the new arrangement.
Pfarrzentrum Lochau (parish centre)
Architecturer: Baumschlager Eberle, 1998
Gemeindehaus Lochau (Lochau municipal office)
Architecture: Manfred Koller, Helmut Kuëss, 2018
Dorfbrunnen Lochau (village fountain)
Architecture: Juri Troy, 2004
ÖffnungszeitenLochau Municipal Office – Office hours: Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., Mon 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. and by appointment
Autor: vai Vorarlberger Architektur Institut
letzte Änderung: 12.04.2021Anfahrt: