Architecture | Cultural offerings

Wasserhaus St. Arbogast water pavilion, Götzis

St. Arbogast, Götzis, Water Pavilion
  • This structure dates back to a 1995 competition won by the artist Fridolin Welte. In the meadow between the Kneipp treading pool and the Kalkofenbach stream, Welte erected a 5×5-metre concrete cube featuring a total of 820 openings drilled on site (each with a diameter of 25 cm). This perforated monolith contains a rectangular water basin and a drinking station. The boreholes are precisely arranged on all five surfaces of the cube, suspending the pavilion somewhere between the twin poles of protection and exposure. Despite its membrane-like permeability, the cube acts as a filter between the inside and outside. Its location among lush vegetation also lends it an archaic edge.


    Artistic concept: Fridolin Welte

    Architectural implementation: Fridolin Welte and Christian Lenz

    Created: 2003


    The water pavilion can be accessed at all times.

    Autor: Author: Wolfgang Fiel and Denizhan Sezer, Source: iCP – Institute for Cultural Policy and Vorarlberg Tourismus
    letzte Änderung: 12.04.2021