Architecture | Cultural offerings

Werkraum Bregenzerwald

Werkraum Bregenzerwald
  • The Werkraum Bregenzerwald association of regional craft businesses uses this facility to exhibit its selected products, hold temporary exhibitions, put on events and run a stylish cafe overlooking the sprawling valley landscape.


    The Swiss architect Peter Zumthor, whose previous projects include the Kunsthaus Bregenz art gallery and the Therme Vals spa, was the brains behind this surprisingly urban setting. His committed, respectful approach inspired the member businesses to draw on their superlative skills and undertake the construction themselves.


    A 1.8-metre high roof structure consisting of laminated beams forms an even grid measuring 73 x 21 metres. Dark blue padding featuring built-in spotlights fills the cassettes, which are open at the bottom, and provides sound insulation. This black canopy is supported by ten wooden pillars, each over six metres tall and made of silver fir. These are coated in a dark glaze, with grey-black leather cord wound around them up to head height so as to protect the soft wood. Dark loden curtains extend up to the ceiling, while three stone cubes made from exposed concrete lend structure to the otherwise open room. Finally, the basement is used to store the award-winning prototypes from the “Handwerk & Form” craft and design competition held every three years. This structure is both an architectural masterpiece and a space for contemplation.


    Architecture: Peter Zumthor, 2000-2013


    Exhibitions and shop:

    Tues – Sa 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., closed Sun, Mon and public holidays

    Visit the shop to explore a range of regional craft products created by the member businesses.

    Werkraum Café:

    The cafe is also run by the association and has the same opening times as the Werkraum craft centre.

    Visit the shop to explore a range of regional craft products created by the member businesses.

    Visitors inofrmation


    Autor: Robert Fabach
    letzte Änderung: 13.07.2021