Located next to the school, this building has a double identity in terms of both its function and its materiality. The bottom-floor structure made of exposed concrete, steel and glass is home to the local fire service, with an elevated section smartly ensuring direct access to the road for emergency vehicles. It is almost imperceptible to those approaching from Schulplatz square, with the two-storey timber building that sits atop the fire station getting all the attention. Here, a ramp provides access to the fully-glazed main entrance. The interior is made entirely of wood: in fact, the untreated silver fir floor was the first to be installed in a public building and has proven its durability ever since. While the ground floor features rehearsal spaces for music societies as well as the sanitary facilities, the top floor is home to the first and only Women’s Museum in Austria. The only such museum in a rural location anywhere in the world, it hosts temporary exhibitions on women’s history and cultural output.
Architecture: cukrowicz nachbaur, 2000
ÖffnungszeitenCurrent exhibition
20 Years Frauenmuseum Hittisau Anniversary Exhibition
05 July 2020 – 31 October 2021
birth culture. giving birth and being born
Summer opening times:
Tuesday to Sunday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Public tour:
Every Monday, 6 p.m.
Current visitor / price information can be found on the homepage of the Women’s Museum
Autor: vai Vorarlberger Architektur Institut
letzte Änderung: 13.07.2021Anfahrt: