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- Art and culture
Photo: Darko Todorovic, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Darko Todorovic, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
... from Bregenz to Feldkirch.
Vorarlberg’s diverse cultural landscape has been bolstered by the construction of buildings celebrating everyday life and high culture, as well as art facilities and religious spaces. Many were originally the subject of architecture competitions and their consistently high quality has been recognised with a large haul of architectural awards.
The cultural buildings of Vorarlberg are testament to the historic depth of this region, which has been returned to the limelight by a series of dedicated individuals – and not always without controversy. Vorarlberg’s complex settlement history and constant migration flows have made a sizeable impression on local culture that continues to this day, including aspects such as Roman excavations, a substantial legacy of farming and craftsmanship, and a lasting, visible industrial history bound up with the “economic miracle” of the post-war years. This wide-ranging cultural heritage is also reflected in successfully repurposed industrial buildings and in Vorarlberg’s Islamic cemetery.
Thanks to the historic decision to distribute state institutions across the larger cities and develop Bregenz into a regional centre for art and culture, the key cultural buildings are now sited here in the state capital. The addition of the Vorarlberg Museum in 2013 marked the completion of a new cultural district and indeed a new city centre around Kornmarktplatz square.
All this goes hand in hand with the state’s active drive towards decentralisation. The remarkably high number of event and assembly centres boasting high-quality architecture is down to the systematic strengthening of rural communities and a lively competition culture.
Autor: Robert Fabach, redaktionell bearbeitet
letzte Änderung: 17.09.2021Schwierigkeit: leicht Technik: Erlebnis: Landschaft: Höhenlage: Beste Jahreszeit: JAN FEB MRZ APR MAI JUN JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEZ Eigenschaften: - Refreshment stops available
This tour leads from Bregenz (Vorarlberg Museum, Kunsthaus museum, and Bregenz Festival Theatre and Concert Hall) to Dornbirn (vai – Vorarlberg Architecture Institute and inatura – interactive Nature Exhibition), Hohenems (Jewish Museum Hohenems), Götzis (Kulturbühne AMBACH event centre), Rankweil-Brederis (Villa Rustika open-air museum) and Feldkirch (Montforthaus).
More top tips for this route:
St. Arbogast, a haven of relaxation and cultural encounters, is located on a hill in the municipal area of Götzis and enjoys views of the Rheintal valley as it runs through Vorarlberg and Switzerland. If you look from the youth and education centre down into the nearby valley basin, you will recognise the water pavilion: this concrete cube design was drawn up by artist Fridolin Welte and implemented by architect Christian Lenz.
A number of hotels, restaurants and inns located on or in close proximity to the route are of special interest in terms of the local building culture. These establishments are ideal for mouth-watering meals and overnight stays during the “Architectours” in Vorarlberg.
Start Bregenz
Geogr. 47.50478 N 9.746053 EZiel Feldkirch