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- Art & Culture - Route 2 (1/2 day)
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
The Vorarlberg Rhine valley is evolving into an interconnected area of settlement featuring a special urbanity. Here, as in the rural Bregenzerwald, design competitions have led to the creation of buildings for everyday use, flagship constructions, and spaces for art and religious life. These constructions have turned out beautifully, meeting the highest international standards, and have won numerous design awards.
Starting in the towns of the Rhine valley, this half-day tour heads to the Bregenzerwald.
Vorarlberg’s cultural buildings give testimony to the historic depth of this region which has been made visible time and again by spirited people who have fought for their beliefs even in the face of social controversy. The colourful history of its settlement and constant migration have resulted in a wealth of cultural relics, ranging from Roman excavations to a rich rural and artisanal heritage, a still visible history of sustainable industrialisation and the “economic miracle” of the post-war era. This broad cultural heritage also manifests itself in industrial buildings that have been successfully put to new uses, or in the cemetery for Vorarlberg’s Muslims.
In a landmark decision, Vorarlberg determined to spread the government institutions among the larger towns and to make Bregenz a focal point for culture and art. This is why you will find all of Vorarlberg’s prominent cultural buildings concentrated in the state capital. In 2013, the opening of the vorarlberg museum marked the completion of a “cultural mile” and of a new town centre around Kornmarkt square. And yet, the state of Vorarlberg is proactively committed to decentralisation. The striking number of architecturally outstanding buildings used for meetings and conventions is the result of rural communities being systematically supported, and of a lively tradition of architecture competitions.
Autor: Robert Fabach
letzte Änderung: 07.04.2020Schwierigkeit: leicht Technik: Erlebnis: Landschaft: Höhenlage: Beste Jahreszeit: JAN FEB MRZ APR MAI JUN JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEZ Eigenschaften: - In and out
- Refreshment stops available
Starting in Bregenz (Bregenz Festival and Congress Hall, vorarlberg museum, Kunsthaus Bregenz) the tour takes you to Sulzberg (civic centre), and via Doren to Riefensberg (Juppenwerkstatt Riefensberg – traditional costume-making atelier) and Hittisau (fire station and cultural centre/Women’s Museum Hittisau). Continue from there via Lingenau (parish church St John the Baptist) and Andelsbuch (Werkraum Bregenzerwald) to Schwarzenberg (Angelika Kauffmann Museum), and, passing Bödele, to Dornbirn (Vorarlberg Architecture Institute, inatura Nature Museum Dornbirn and vaiDOMA).
Further hints en route:
One site of particular interest is the parish church St Lawrence in Sulzberg. Originally built in Empire style, it was redesigned in 1828 and 1829 by Alois Negrelli who worked in Vorarlberg at the time. Later he was to acquire fame as one of the planners of the Suez Canal. The church has meanwhile been renovated several times with careful attention to detail. From there, you can enjoy lovely views of the Bregenzerwald mountains, Switzerland and the neighbouring Allgäu in Germany.
The village square of Schwarzenberg with its venerable Bregenzerwald houses is a listed heritage site. The parish church features works by the Baroque paintress Angelika Kauffman (apostle paintings and altar piece). The artist had family ties in Schwarzenberg. Changing exhibitions in the Angelika Kauffmann Museum are dedicated to her life and oeuvre.You will find a number of hotels and restaurants of special architectural interest on your way and in the surroundings which are ideal if you want to stay for the night or break for a meal on your “architectours” across Vorarlberg.
Start Bregenz
Geogr. 47.505524 N 9.747828 EZiel Dornbirn