- Startseite
- Damüls | Around the Walser settlement
Photo: Damüls Faschina Tourismus, Damüls Faschina Tourismus
Mountain station Uga -Express ( 1,800 m ) - Ugaalpe - Hochblanken ( 2,068 m ) - Ragazer Blanken ( 2,051 m ) - Sünserjoch - Oberdamüls alp - Damuels ( 1,430 m )
At over 1,800 meters , the Damuelser round trip starts with two peaks overruns. First is around 1 ¼ hours the Hochblanken and then follow the mountain ridge to nearly 2,000 m in 45 minutes over to the summit of Ragazer Blanken . From here the descent of the Sünserjoch for Oberdamüls alp and on to Damuels begins . Worth a visit is the Church of Damuels with extraordinary frescoes dating back to 1484 , which is the Bible of the Poor .
Refreshments: Elsenalpstube , Bergasthof Ugaalpe , Oberdamülseralpe ( during the alp season from early July to late September), Inns in Damuels
Präsentiert von: Damüls Faschina Tourismus, Autor: Damüls-Faschina Tourismus - www.damuels.at
letzte Änderung: 16.03.2022Schwierigkeit: mittel Technik: Kondition: Erlebnis: Landschaft: Höhenlage: Beste Jahreszeit: JAN FEB MRZ APR MAI JUN JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEZ Eigenschaften: - Scenic
- Summit route
- Circular route
- Refreshment stops available
- Family-friendly
- Cableway ascent/descent
Sicherheitshinweise: Safety EMERGENCY – Numbers :
140 alpine emergencies Austria Vorarlberg alpine emergencies
144 Vorarlberg alpine emergencies
112 Euro – Call (works with any phone / network)Ausrüstung: Recommended suitable for mountain shoes with good tread – mountain trail
Weitere Infos & Links: Wegbeschreibung
Trail category : middle
opening times lifts: T 43 (0) 5510-600
Start Damüls - Top Uga-Express
Geogr. 47.3 N 9.8913 EZiel Damüls-center or base station Uga-Express Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel:
Uga – Express base station