- Startseite
- Damüls | the Damüls alpine circuit
Photo: Damüls Faschina Tourismus, Damüls Faschina Tourismus
Photo: Damüls Faschina Tourismus, Damüls Faschina Tourismus
Photo: Matthias Greilach, Damüls Faschina Tourismus
Photo: Damüls Faschina Tourismus, Damüls Faschina Tourismus
Photo: Damüls Faschina Tourismus, Damüls Faschina Tourismus
Photo: Damüls Faschina Tourismus, Damüls Faschina Tourismus
Tourist Office Damüls - Oberdamüls - Jägerstüble - Unterdamüls alp - Tourist Office Damüls
From Damüls (1,425 m), you follow the path towards Oberdamüls and continue on the fully prepared valley path next to the cross-country ski run as far as the Unterdamüls alp (1,486 m). From there, a steep ascent to the Jägerstüble (1,614 m) awaits. From here, a mountain path takes you up to an altitude of approx. 1,700 m (views as far as the Rätikon), past the Oberdamüls alp (1,667 m) and to Oberdamüls. From Hotel Alpenstern, you walk along the road back to where you started.
Culture on the route:
Damüls is one of the first documented Walser settlements in Vorarlberg (enfeoffment with Uga alp in 1313, and with "Tamülls" alp in 1326). There is documentary evidence of its own parish cuchrch dating back to 1382. The late Gothic church (1484) has a remarkable interior such as frescoes from around 1490.
A drink/food:
Damüls Jägerstüble, OberdamülsPräsentiert von: Damüls Faschina Tourismus, Autor: Damüls-Faschina Tourismus - www.damuels.travel
letzte Änderung: 15.12.2021Schwierigkeit: mittel Technik: Kondition: Erlebnis: Landschaft: Höhenlage: Beste Jahreszeit: JAN FEB MRZ APR MAI JUN JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEZ Eigenschaften: - Scenic
- Circular route
- Refreshment stops available
- Family-friendly
- Groomed snow
Einkehrmöglichkeit: Sicherheitshinweise: Safety instructions
140 Alpine emergency Austria
144 Alpine emergency Vorarlberg
112 Euro-emergency call
www.vorarlberg.travel/sicherheitstippsAusrüstung: – waterproof footwear
– warm outerwearWeitere Infos & Links: Wegbeschreibung
A marvellous mountain circuit at an altitude of over 1,400 m with a unique view of the mountains.
Start Tourist Office Damüls
Geogr. 47.28003 N 9.89096 EZiel Tourist Office Damüls Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel:
Parking Kirchdorf or base terminal of the Oberdamülser cable car