- Startseite
- Revitalised villages
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Darko Todorovic, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Darko Todorovic, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Darko Todorovic, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Darko Todorovic, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Darko Todorovic, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Darko Todorovic, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Darko Todorovic, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
Photo: Archiv Albrecht Imanuel Schnabel, Vorarlberger Architekturinstitut und Vorarlberg Tourismus
... from Lochau and Wolfurt to the Bregenzerwald.
Vorarlberg is remarkably densely populated, yet often retains a delightful village atmosphere. And while many other rural regions have been affected by emigration, even the more remote corners of Vorarlberg continue to grow as they offer attractive living conditions for young and old alike. Local authorities adopt a hands-on approach, well aware that wide-ranging public participation and a proactive land and design policy are key drivers of this development. Quality architecture and planning concepts turn the villages into pleasant regional centres where locals and visitors feel right at home.
Contemporary architecture in rural regions is usually limited to individual structures, and Vorarlberg was long part of this trend. But in the 1990s, Vorarlberg witnessed the rise of a competition culture for public buildings that increasingly integrated village centres and surrounding areas into the designs. Thanks to this growing focus on contemporary buildings, a number of village centres now boast a wonderful portfolio of high-quality architecture.
Maintaining decentralised operations and promoting rural and village communities are top priorities for the State of Vorarlberg, which has deployed its spatial planning and funding resources accordingly.
Autor: Robert Fabach
letzte Änderung: 28.09.2021Schwierigkeit: leicht Technik: Erlebnis: Landschaft: Höhenlage: Beste Jahreszeit: JAN FEB MRZ APR MAI JUN JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEZ Eigenschaften: - Linear route
- Refreshment stops available
This tour starts in Lochau (village centre), visiting Wolfurt (village centre), Langenegg (municipal centre), Krumbach (BUS:STOP Krumbach project) and Hittisau (village square) on the way to Schwarzenberg (village centre and Angelika Kauffmann Museum).
More top tips for this route:
Schwarzenberg village square is a listed heritage site boasting a fantastic series of typical Bregenzerwald buildings. Its parish church also features works by the Baroque painter Angelika Kauffmann (apostle paintings and altarpiece), who had family ties in Schwarzenberg. Temporary exhibitions at the Angelika Kauffmann Museum offer an in-depth look at her life and paintings.
The village square of Schwarzenberg with its venerable Bregenzerwald houses is a listed heritage site. The parish church features works by the Baroque paintress Angelika Kauffmann (apostle paintings and altar piece). The artist had family ties in Schwarzenberg. Changing exhibitions in the Angelika Kauffmann Museum are dedicated to her life and oeuvre.
A number of hotels, restaurants and inns located on or in close proximity to the route are of special interest in terms of the local building culture. These establishments are ideal for mouth-watering meals and overnight stays during the “Architectours” in Vorarlberg.
Start Lochau
Geogr. 47.529316 N 9.751587 EZiel Schwarzenberg