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- Schwarzenberg | Panorama hike Bödele - Schwarzenberg
Photo: Elisabeth Schneider, Bregenzerwald
Photo: Rudolf Berchtel, Bregenzerwald
Photo: Ludwig Berchtold, Bregenzerwald
Photo: Friedrich Böhringer, Bregenzerwald
Photo: Elisabeth Schneider, Bregenzerwald
Photo: Rudolf Berchtel, Bregenzerwald
Hike from the Bödele into the valley on wide-tracked winter paths.
From the bus stop on the Bödele (1,140 m), take a short walk along the road to Schwarzenberg where you pick up the winter hiking path. Cross the pistes of the Hochälpele lift, hike through alpine forests to the Hochälpele alp (1,250 m, extensive views across the Bregenzerwald) and continue to Lustenau hut (1,250 m, chance to take a detour to the Bregenz hut). From Lustenau hut, take a scenic path across the Klausberg mountain pasture down into Schwarzenberg (695 m).
Culture on the route:
It was on the Bödele, close to Losen pass, an ancient crossing into the Rhine Valley, that Otto Hämmerle, an industrialist from Dornbirn, erected a countryside summer resort. After the Arlberg, the Bödele is the second birthplace of Vorarlberg skiing (in 1903/1904 a ski jump was built, and the first ski race was held. In 1907, the first ski lift in the world was built here).
A drink/food:
Bödele hotel Berghof Fetz, Lustenau hut, Bregenz hut, SchwarzenbergPräsentiert von: Bregenzerwald, Autor: Elisabeth Schneider
letzte Änderung: 16.03.2022Schwierigkeit: leicht Kondition: Erlebnis: Landschaft: Höhenlage: Beste Jahreszeit: JAN FEB MRZ APR MAI JUN JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEZ Eigenschaften: - Scenic
- Refreshment stops available
- Family-friendly
- Way cleared
Einkehrmöglichkeit: Sicherheitshinweise: EMERGENCY CALL:
140 Alpine emergency Austria
144 Alpine emergency Vorarlberg
112 Euro-emergency call
www.vorarlberg.travel/sicherheitstippsAusrüstung: – waterproof footwear
– warm outerwear
– take plenty of drinks with you: it is also important to drink even if you are not thirstyWegbeschreibung
From the bus stop on the Bödele (1,140 m), take a short walk along the road to Schwarzenberg where you pick up the winter hiking path. Cross the pistes of the Hochälpele lift, hike through alpine forests to the Hochälpele alp (1,250 m, extensive views across the Bregenzerwald) and continue to Lustenau hut (1,250 m, chance to take a detour to the Bregenz hut). From Lustenau hut, take a scenic path across the Klausberg mountain pasture down into Schwarzenberg (695 m).
Start Bödele, bus stop
Geogr. 47.423703 N 9.8092380000001 EZiel Schwarzenberg village square Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel:
from Germany: motorway Lindau A96 – Pfänder Tunnel – motorway exit Dornbirn Nord (toll sticker required) – Bregenzerwald – Egg – Schwarzenberg;
OR motorway Kempten – Immenstadt – Oberstaufen – Ach – Riefensberg – Krumbach – Lingenau – Egg – Schwarzenbergfrom Switzerland: motorway St. Gallen – St. Margrethen/Au – Lustenau – Dornbirn – Bregenzerwald – Egg – Schwarzenberg
Parking Bödele
or in Schwarzenberg behind the alpine dairy and by bus up to the Bödele