- Startseite
- Umgang Schwarzenberg
Photo: Ligia Gonzalez, Bregenzerwald Tourismus
Photo: Ligia Gonzalez, Bregenzerwald Tourismus
Photo: Ligia Gonzalez, Bregenzerwald Tourismus
Photo: Ligia Gonzalez, Bregenzerwald Tourismus
Photo: Ligia Gonzalez, Bregenzerwald Tourismus
Photo: Ligia Gonzalez, Bregenzerwald Tourismus
Photo: Ligia Gonzalez, Bregenzerwald Tourismus
Photo: Ligia Gonzalez, Bregenzerwald Tourismus
Photo: Ligia Gonzalez, Bregenzerwald Tourismus
"As git Mändle, Wieble und Schwarzobergar” – “There are men, there are women, and there are people from Schwarzenberg”, accordingto many Vorarlberg locals. This sayin galludes to the industriousness, the thriftiness and the unconventionality of the village’s inhabitants. It is considered the most magnificent of the villages in the Bregenzerwald. Its prosperity isdisplayed in the large, old houses – and in the fact that it is the only place which owns its own alps in the Hinterwald. It also has considerable cultural assets in the form of the Schubertiade, modern architecture, local musicians, august guests and the Angelika Kauffmann memorials. Hamlets with magnificent views over the countryside of the Bregenzerwald surround the village.
On each walk, information columns draw attention to a building, to the special features of the cultural landscape, to artisanal or ecological details, to facets of artistic, culinary or touristic works.
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The Schwarzenberg parish church is well known for its paintings by Angelika Kauffmann and is worth a visit.
Präsentiert von: Umgang Bregenzerwald , Autor: Bregenzerwald Tourismus GmbH
letzte Änderung: 12.10.2021Höhenlage: Beste Jahreszeit: JAN FEB MRZ APR MAI JUN JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEZ Eigenschaften: - Scenic
- Circular route
- Refreshment stops available
Ausrüstung: We recommend hiking boots with a treaded sole, since some of the walk off the beaten track of the village roads is on hiking paths.
Weitere Infos & Links: Wegbeschreibung
At the church square in front of the “Hotel Hirschen”, you follow the signpost (80.01) towards “Bödele über Beientobel”. The path initially follows the pavement along the street. Soon, a sign points you to the left, taking you upwards to the “AngelikaKauffmann Museum”. A different, short path takes you back to the street and you continue along the pavement. The white-red-white marked hiking path then turns off to the right, and you reach the “Freien”plot of land. There, you turn off to the left and walk upwards to the part of the village called “Beien”. At the covered well, you no longer follow the red hiking-path marking. Instead, you hike straight ahead towards the mountain. This path then turns into the B road. After you have crossed it, an asphalt path starts at the bus stop towards “Oberkaltberg”. Continue straight ahead on this path (take neither the red hiking path turn-off to the left nor the one to the right),until you reach a lovely ensemble of three old houses. Just after this ensemble, you turn off to the left (gravel path) and takea yellow-and-white marked hiking path.This takes you through a field. Then, at the hiking board 80.15, you reach another asphalt road and turn off to the right (“Berghalde-Rundweg”). The road meanders gently upwards to the last house. A path through the field commences here. This path takes you back downhill and, at board 80.16, it turns into an asphalt agricultural path. You now follow this on the left downto the centre of Schwarzenberg. On the “Brand” plot of land, at board 80.13, you now turn off to the right and arrive in the centre of the village, from which a short detour to the right takes you to the house “Hof Nr. 6”, which is worth a visit. Once you have returned, a path in front of the church alongside the cemetery takes you downhill. At the first crossroads, you now turn off to the left and, at the “Bäckerei Fetz”, you turn off to the right and reach the forecourt of the village hall. Here, you keep to the right (Angelika Kauffmann Hall), circumvent the newly renovated primary school and village hall, and take this same path back to the church square.
Start Church square Schwarzenberg
Geogr. 47.413866 N 9.8529630000001 EZiel Church square Schwarzenberg Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel:
Parking at the “Sennhaus”.