- Startseite
- Walser water trail.
Photo: Warth-Schröcken Tourismus, Warth-Schröcken Tourismus
Photo: Warth-Schröcken Tourismus, Warth-Schröcken Tourismus
Photo: Warth-Schröcken Tourismus, Warth-Schröcken Tourismus
Photo: Warth-Schröcken Tourismus, Warth-Schröcken Tourismus
Photo: Warth-Schröcken Tourismus, Warth-Schröcken Tourismus
Photo: Günter König, Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung - Kultur
Photo: Günter König, Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung - Kultur
Photo: Günter König, Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung - Kultur
Photo: Tourismusbüro Schröcken, Warth-Schröcken Tourismus
Photo: Warth-Schröcken Tourismus, Warth-Schröcken Tourismus
Photo: Warth-Schröcken Tourismus, Warth-Schröcken Tourismus
The Walser-Water-Trail starts at the Landsteg, which is the border between Bregenzerwald and Hochtannberg. The trail leads along the young Bregenzerache to the adventure park Schröcken. From there it goes slightly uphill to the main road, which you follow until you reach the church. Passing the Hotel Mohnenfluh on the right, you will reach the Alpe Felle after about 20 minutes, and the path branches off to the left about 20 metres above the new alpine hut. Crossing the Bregenzerache you will see the glacier mill directly under the bridge. On the other side of the river it goes right in about 20 minutes to Alpe Batzen. Here is the first alpine museum in Vorarlberg "uf m Tannberg" and right next to it is the new Alpe Batzen. Between the two houses the path continues to the Körbersee, where a short stop with refreshments is offered. Continue to the Kalbelesee, from there the path runs parallel to the main road to the Hotel Adler and the Simmel.
Landsteg – Adventure park Schröcken – Church- Hotel Mohnenfluh – Alpe Felle – Gletschermühle – Alpe Batzen – Alpmuseum “uf m Tannberg” – Körbersee – Kalbelesee – Hotel Adler – Simmel
Präsentiert von: Warth-Schröcken Tourismus, Autor: Warth-Schröcken Tourismus
letzte Änderung: 29.03.2022Schwierigkeit: mittel Technik: Kondition: Erlebnis: Landschaft: Höhenlage: Beste Jahreszeit: JAN FEB MRZ APR MAI JUN JUL AUG SEP OKT NOV DEZ Eigenschaften: - Geological highlights
- Insider tip
- Refreshment stops available
- Family-friendly
- Cultural/historical interest
Einkehrmöglichkeit: Sicherheitshinweise: Emergency numbers.
140 – Alpine emergencies throughout Austria
144 – Alpine emergencies in Vorarlberg
112 – Euro emergency call
Ausrüstung: This should never be missing on the mountain.
Backpack, First-Aid Set incl. Bladder plaster, telephone with emergency number, cash, drinking bottle, pocket knife, provisions, sun protection in good weather.
Weitere Infos & Links: More tours in our region can be found here.
Landsteg – Adventure park Schröcken – Church- Hotel Mohnenfluh – Alpe Felle – Gletschermühle – Alpe Batzen – Alpmuseum “uf m Tannberg” – Körbersee – Kalbelesee – Hotel Adler – Simmel
Start Landsteg
Geogr. 47.26611 N 10.0674 EZiel Hochtannbergpass Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel:
All information about the buses can be found here.
All information about parking spaces can be found here.